Selasa, 10 Januari 2012


kebosanan tahap gaban sudah, jadi saya beryoutube la....tidak tau surf2 dia pnya video last2 trnmpak ni video how to win the lottery...trus saya teringat orng2 yang suka men nombor...

Actually the video caught my attention because it remind me of people surround me especially when I'am at my village, all people like crazy about this thing...and recently one of my long relatives member won RM70 000 something after winning 31 tickets, the whole village talking about his winning,everywhere I go they will not miss to mention his name and the money he won..and start to add more details on  their own saying he is lucky la, he have done this la, and so many make up version to make the story sound fresh every time they talk about it...I could say that the winning triggered the eagerness to buy lottery and pursue them to buy more often..the bad thing about this hobby is that they will start to relate it to luck...they are going to interpret some occasion in their life as lucky or bad luck to make it sounded reasonable every time they win or not winning the this short video of how to win lottery perhaps explained and assure me that luck is always preparation meet it by yourself (as an entertainment)

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