Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

Lagu lama yang saya baru suka...

Ni la lagu George Lian Komi Ginawo nu....fuhhh!! best ni lagu pa lagi klo bawa karaoke...mula2 dulu tidak sedar ni lagu siok sampai la ada satu orang di kampung nyanyi ni lagu dengan penuh perasaan...haha..trus feel berabis ni lagu...dia pnya lirik jiwang ka bohh....hehe...
nah enjoy ni lagu..

Komi Ginawo Nu

oilaan ku suang ginawo nu
Nopigis Do nosindualan
Diti Kowoyo woyoon ku
Au momoduli komid ginawo nu

Sundung tu nosindualan ko
Au ko katama popoboros doho..
Ino topurimanan ginawo nu
Otingayaman kodo popolombus..


Mihad no ginawo nu
okito ku mantad mato nu
Monuru romou mato nu
Nga au ko katama popoihad..

Notogu ginawo nu
Notimporon oh kosindualan
Nga au koh insan kumaus doho
Sundung potu'd nakasalah oku..

Mokiampun oku no'd kumaa diah
Sontob kinorualan Ginawo nu..
Mantad baino undaron kui nangaraag
Moi do au kotilombus oh kosindualan..

Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

Miss Tourism 2011

I think It's still not to late to talk about this beauty contest since this contest was organised a few week ago..and this year winner for Miss Tourism is none other than Malaysian beautiful girl Aileen Gabriella Robinson, 22 who beat 54 other contestant at Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa,Petaling Jaya...
When you see her picture she looks like not the ordinary features of Malaysian girl..I mean she looks like someone from Mexico, Panama etc...but just by her name we can guess that she is mixed and yes she is..her mother is half Indian and half chinese and her father is wonder why she looks stunning in the picture...

Her winning is actually historical since Malaysia have not won any beauty contest before...we heard about Lina Teoh in Miss Universe 1998 where she finished third place but it was 14 years ago...
This event was held at Petaling Jaya (sound familiar)..he2...yup its here in Malaysia and was broadcast via TV1 which is also witnessed by thousands of revellers at Dataran Merdeka prior to 2012 countdown..The other winner for this competition are

Miss Tourism Metropolitan International: Carolina Del Carmen Bridd Cerrud (Panama)
Miss Tourism Global: Patsaraporn Khonkhamhaeng (Thailand)
Miss Cosmopolitan International: Amanda Leong Li Ting (Singapore)
Dream girl of the Year International: Jana Kopecka (Czech Republic)

One interesting fact about this girl is that she is the first runner up for the recent Miss universe Malaysia 2012 competition which were held before she entered this beauty pageant..even though she did not being the queen previously, it turn out that she try another chance and make it probably the best moment of her entire life when she won at international level....The girl that dethrone her to second place is 18 years old Kimberley Leggett..

Hopefully this girl will make her own mark in beauty pageant history in the upcoming World Miss Universe event..all the best!! Malaysia Boleh!!!....

Selasa, 10 Januari 2012


kebosanan tahap gaban sudah, jadi saya beryoutube la....tidak tau surf2 dia pnya video last2 trnmpak ni video how to win the lottery...trus saya teringat orng2 yang suka men nombor...

Actually the video caught my attention because it remind me of people surround me especially when I'am at my village, all people like crazy about this thing...and recently one of my long relatives member won RM70 000 something after winning 31 tickets, the whole village talking about his winning,everywhere I go they will not miss to mention his name and the money he won..and start to add more details on  their own saying he is lucky la, he have done this la, and so many make up version to make the story sound fresh every time they talk about it...I could say that the winning triggered the eagerness to buy lottery and pursue them to buy more often..the bad thing about this hobby is that they will start to relate it to luck...they are going to interpret some occasion in their life as lucky or bad luck to make it sounded reasonable every time they win or not winning the this short video of how to win lottery perhaps explained and assure me that luck is always preparation meet it by yourself (as an entertainment)

How to win an Argument

Step 1: Don't back off

Don't back down. Calmly document your points with objective facts.

Step 2: Disarm opponent

Disarm your opponent by asking clarifying questions and using their answers against them.

Step 3: Cross-examine

Cross-examine the other person and let them tie themselves up in their own logic. Once you threaten their ego, you have them on the ropes.

Step 4: Keep track of failed points

Keep track of your opponent's failure to rebut certain points and state these at the end as proof of their agreement with your position.

Tip: Make mental notes during the argument of points your opponent can't refute.

Step 5: Show humility

Admit your own mistakes and keep an open mind if you want to be taken seriously. Let them save face so you find commonalities that make them think your point was their idea.

Tip: It's best not to try to bring up something you cannot prove, or it could undermine all your other points.

Step 6: Use one weak position to discredit all positions

Refute their weakest point, and declare this as proof that all their opinions on this topic are faulty.

for better aids you may click this link

Ahad, 8 Januari 2012

Lagu2 praise and worship

Saya mo share link lagu2 praise and worship.. yang mo ketenangan bagus kamu p klik ni link....banyak pilihan & best2 lagu sana....

Tanak Kampung versi Rock by Khalifah

Tadi time mo check2 fb tgh scroll down sy ternampak kena share lagu tanak kampung versi juga tu lagu o..malatup!! orang bilang..sebelum ni klo ada yang buat cover lagu tanak kampung sy tidak kisah sangat o..macam boring saya dengar version ni berjaya menambat hati sy utk dengar ni lagu sampai habis ulang2 lagi tu....pa2 pun bagus kamu dengar sendiri la ni  lagu best!!..mungkin ni lagu makin tambah femes lepas ni...

Jumaat, 6 Januari 2012

Selamat Tahun Baru 2012

Tahun 2012 tahun yang orang cakap bumi akan kiamat, tapi teda apa-apa pun berlaku setakat ini,..mungkin terpengaruh dengan movie 2012 tu harap tahun ni jadi tahun yang lebih baik untuk saya,family dan juga penghuni-penghuni bumi...cewaahh!! this is the time for me to start blogging again after my first blog deactivated and disorganized malas mo update kan naaa...jadi sy harap blog ni saya selalu update tidak mau tulis panjang-panjang untuk pengenalan, lepas ni saya mo cari benda-benda menarik untuk dikongsi hihi....HAPPY NEW YEAR....